Low Carb Chocolate Brownies


55 g Butter
30 g Chocolate, bittersweet or dark chocolate
40 g Cocoa powder
2 Egg (s), separated
150 g Sweetener (erythritol or xylitol)
70 g Mandel (s) - Flour
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1 tsp, gestr Sweetener (Stevia) optional
1 bottle Vanilla flavoring


Working time: About 20 min / Cooking time: approx 20 min / Difficulty: normal / Condensing p. P.: not specified
Preheat oven to 170 ° C.

Separate the eggs and beat egg whites beaten egg whites. Break the chocolate into smaller pieces and together with the butter melt (eg in the microwave or water bath). Stir cocoa powder with the stirrer into the butter-chocolate mixture and stir in the remaining ingredients. Do not be surprised, the mass is now very firmly! Carefully fold the egg white.
Dough into a 20 x 20 cm big brownie form (or a similar sized casserole dish) fill and smooth.
Bake at 170 ° C top and bottom heat for about 20 minutes.

For an entire baking sheet, as shown, simply double the amount. The cooking time is increased but at 23-25 ​​min
If you want to save even more carbs, takes 85% dark chocolate instead of dark chocolate, the necessary sweetness can then be enhanced with Stevia again.

Nutritional information per piece with erythritol:
90 kcal
1.9 g of KH
Nutritional information per piece with Xylitol:
118 kcal
1.9 g of KH
With dark chocolate the KH-percentage falls to 1.2 g carbohydrates per unit 

Vegetarian Cabbage Rolls


250 g Brown Rice
500 ml Water
Salt and pepper
1 head White cabbage (about 1kg)
2 m.-wide Onion (s)
300 g Vegetables, mixed, such as carrots, zucchini, peppers
3 Garlic clove (s), crushed
3 Egg (s)
15 g Parmesan cheese, grated
3 tbsp Flour
500 g Tomato (s) happened,
1 tbsp Sugar
125 ml Cream


Working time: About 1 hr / Difficulty: normal / Condensing p. P.: 300 kcal
Boil the rice with the water and 1 teaspoon salt and let soak for at low heat.

Wash the cabbage, remove the outer leaves and cut out the stalk. Place in a large pot (as a whole), cover with water, add salt and cumin and cook the cabbage soft.

Heat 3 tbsp oil in a pan and fry until golden brown a chopped onion. Cut the vegetables into fine strips, or grate, add and fry with. Season with salt, pepper, thyme and garlic. Pour the finished cooked rice to the vegetables and mix everything well, then let cool. Beat 3 eggs Add the cooled rice and vegetable mixture, Parmesan and stir in flour and season the mixture. Lift the cooked cabbage from the water and drain. When it's cool, and carefully remove the leaves. Spread the filling on each cabbage leaves and the leaves curl about it rolls. In a suitable form simple (eg clay pot with lid or frying). The individual layers of salt and pepper.

For the tomato sauce chop the second onion and fry until golden brown in 2 tbsp oil. With the tomatoes passed deglaze. Garlic, bouillon cubes, salt, pepper, add basil and sugar, bring to the boil and season to taste. The sauce over the rolls pour. Finally, the cream pour over. Replace the lid and cook the cabbage rolls in the oven at 180 ° C for about 1 hour.

The entire dish has an energy content of about 2260 kcal, for 8 servings per serving 283 kcal (12 g fat), at 6 servings 377 calories (17 g fat) per serving.

Serve with boiled potatoes go well. 

Amarettini Cinnamon Curd With Tiger Nuts and Sour Cherries


400 g   Sour cherries (fresh, frozen or from a jar)
60 g     Biscuits (Amarettini)
500 g   Quark (0.2% fat)
250 g   Natural yoghurt (0.1% fat)
40 g     Nutsedge (s), ground
   Cinnamon to taste
Sweetener for scattering (Natreen or Canderel) to taste


Working time: about 30 min / Difficulty: / Condensing p. P.: 150 kcal
The Stoning cherries or thaw and drain. The Amarettini up to 4-5 pieces per serving crumble.

Quark, yoghurt and Tigernuts with some cinnamon and sweetener until smooth with a whisk, season with cinnamon and sweetener, not too sweet, consider the sweetness of the cherries. Spread half of it to 4-6 glasses or dishes, add the sour cherries up to 4 or 6 it. Now the Amarettinibrösel come out and finally the remaining curd and yoghurt cream. Garnish with sour cherries and the retained Amarettini. Serve immediately or place in the refrigerator until consumption.

Chufa (tiger nut, chufa Spanish, French amandes de terre) are the tubers of a sour grass. They are gluten free and suitable for nut allergy sufferers. High fiber, vitamin and mineral content act filling and digestion. The cholesterol-or blood pressure-lowering effect is controversial.

Total: 903.20 kcal. (3781.52 kJ), 14:34 g fat, 16.5 points. 6 servings at 150 calories. 2.4 grams of fat are to be expected only 2.75 points. 

Baguette Hawaii Gourmet


1 Baguette, aufbackbar
2 pieces Cream cheese
1 pack Ham, diced
1 Cheese (Edam)
4 tbsp Pineapple
4 tsp Almond (s) planed,
2 pinch Pepper


Working time: about 30 min / Difficulty: easy / Condensing p. P.: 350 kcal
Cut the baguette. The two halves with cream cheese sprinkle full. Apply a small pinch of pepper over it, then some grated Edam cheese (about half on reserve). Now spread pineapple pieces over the baguette. Similarly, the diced ham. Sprinkle the remaining grated Edam cheese over it and put the almond slivers on top of it. Goes into the oven at 180 degrees (convection) approx.12-20 minutes depending on taste.

Nutritional Values/100g:
280 kcal;. 11g protein, 29g carbohydrates, 14g fat, 2.4 BU

On a diet? just take low fat cheese / ham instead of regular smoked salmon or ham (1g fat) and whole-grain baguette. 

Gudrun Apple - Bacon - Goat Cheese Tower With Honey and Thyme



1 large Apple, aromatic (Braeburn, Pink Lady, russet)
2    Cheese, goat cheese, about 4 inches thick and 6 cm on average
4 disc / s Bacon
1 tsp Thyme
4 tsp Honey
Dressing of your choice


Working time: about 20 min / Difficulty: easy / Condensing p. 
Preheat grill to high.
Slowly fry crispy bacon slices, thereby inflict no more fat, best to use a nonstick pan. Put bacon aside.
Core apple with a core drill and then unpeeled into 1 cm thick slices (eat ... round the edge slices) the apple slices in the remaining bacon grease running out even roast, they can check the doneness with a knife. Put apple slices in a lightly greased baking dish, sprinkle lightly with thyme, then put each on a crispy fried bacon slice. Goat cheese coins once crosswise in half and place one half on each apple slice, again sprinkle with thyme and sprinkle each with 1 teaspoon honey. Under the grill for so long au gratin until the cheese is lightly browned (watch out, that happens sometimes quite suddenly, and the time until the blackening is then no longer remain so far ... here are the best, only takes a minute ...)

The goat cheese and apple turrets on a bed of lettuce to taste (is beautiful oak leaf or arugula, at least slightly bitter lettuce) with a dressing that is light honey stresses cause.

The recipe was from a friend in Honfleur / Normandy "imported" and for me is the absolutely most amazing kind baked goat cheese present. 

Spaghetti With Dried Tomatoes



1/2 bunch  Basil
1/2 bunch  Parsley, smooth
2 Garlic clove (s)
1 small   Chili pepper (s), red
6 tbsp    Olive oil
500 g    Spaghetti
4 tbsp  Tomato (es), dried, canned in oil
2 tbsp  Pine nuts
  Salt and pepper from the mill
 Parmesan cheese freshly grated,


Working time: about 20 min / Difficulty: easy / Condensing p. 
Wash the herbs, pat dry and chop coarsely. Pick up something for garnish.

Peel the garlic cloves and cut into fine dice. Wash the chili pepper, cut in half lengthwise, remove the seeds carefully and chop very finely the pod.
Mix herbs, garlic and chilli in olive oil in a large bowl and let them go.

Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in boiling salted water as directed.
Cut the tomatoes into thin strips. Toast the pine nuts in a hot pan until golden yellow without fat.
Drain the cooked spaghetti, mix in the bowl and refill with the herb marinade. The tomato strips and stir in the pine nuts, salt and pepper to taste again and distribute everything in preheated plate 4. Give roughly grated Parmesan cheese and garnish with the remaining herbs. 

Pears in Red Wine to Vanilla Ice



2 Bulb (s), not too soft
1/2 rack / s  Cinnamon or cinnamon powder
something  Lemon juice
200 ml     Wine, red
3 tbsp Sugar
2 ball / s Ice cream (vanilla ice cream)
possibly Mint and whipped cream for decoration


Working time: about 15 min / Difficulty: / Condensing p. Father: not specified
Peel the pears, cut in half and remove the core - immediately sprinkle with lemon juice.

Bring wine, cinnamon and sugar in a saucepan to a simmer. The pear halves 5 - Cook for 10 minutes in it until they are, remove and let cool soft. Let simmer and reduce until the Rotweinsud a syrupy sauce is formed.

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